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3D Rubber Patch: "BAYERN" Ein wirklich beeindruckender Patch mit unglaublich detaillierten Elementen. Der Stolz am Ärmel eines jeden Bayern! Farben: Weiß, Schwarz, Rot, Blau, Gelb, Blau. Format: 100 x 65mm. Mit Hakenklett vernäht und mit...
€9.95 *

3D Rubberpatch: K9 Based on the feedback of several dog trainers and professional dog leaders we have developed a completely new version of a tactical K9 - patch! Colors: Shades of brown, black, orange. Format: 80mm in width x 70mm in...
€9.95 *

Rubberpatch: UKRAINE "Herojam Slawa" (Fame to the heroes!) With this patch we are honoring the Ukrainian heroes who are defending their motherland! Colors: Blue, yellow, black. Format: 65mm in diamter. With velcro backing and loops field.
€9.95 *

KUPA Patch: "STAND WITH URKAINE" patch-werk is supporting the people of Ukraine with 100% of the profit, generated by the sales of this patch! A great patch, showingt he victory sign on the blue field. Show your colors! Stand with...
€15.00 *

3D Rubberpatch "BLUE LINE DEUTSCHLAND" SRG This patch comes to you with a fresh and modern 3D look. Colors: Black, red, yellow and of course blue. Format: 75 x 50mm. Comes with velcro hooks on the back and with free loops field.
€8.95 *

3D Rubber patch: "GERMAN SPARTAN PUNISHER" For all you SPARTAN and PUNISHER lovers. This is the tactial patch which combines it all on a tactical background. Colors: Blac, olive-green, dark red, beige. Format: 80x60mm, cutout-shaped....
€8.95 *

3D Rubberpatch: "Punisher Netherlands" To all our Netherlands customers and friends: Here it is! Colors: red, white, blue, black, desert. Format: 100x85mm. Velcroback
€8.95 *

sticker version: "HESSEN" A proud patch for the proud people of Hessen! Colors: Blue, red, yellow, black, white. Format: 80x65mm
€1.00 *

Now as a sticker version: "BLUE LINE: DEUTSCHLAND" To all the men women who are marking the thin line between freedom and anarchy! Our Police and special units! Colors: Black, grey, light grey, blue. Format: 75x45mm.
€1.00 *

Now as a sticker version: "RED LINE DEUTSCHLAND" This patch is dedicated to all our German Firefighers! Colors: Black, red, grey. white. Format: 75x45 mm.
€1.00 *

Now as a sticker version: "GREEN LINE DEUTSCHLAND"" The GREENLINE GERMANY is dedicated to all GERMAN soldiers. Colors: Black, grey, green. Format: 75x45mm.
€1.00 *

Now as a sticker version: "WHITE LINE DEUTSCHLAND" For all German member of rescue- and medical services who are saving countless lifes daily. Colors: Black, grey, white. Format: 75x45mm.
€1.00 *